A Pretty Good Future, 2012 - Chashama 461 gallery, West Harlem , New York

[photo above]

Natalia de Campos & Bryon Carr , in collaboration with Thiago Szmrecsanyi (interactive space design) & Ellery Royston (music composition and Harp)

Doppelganger, 2002 - Flamboyan Theater, Lower East Side, New York

Natalia de Campos , in collaboration with Thiago Szmrecsányi (interactive space design), Lisa Zinni (Costumes), & DJ Big Wiz (sound design)

WALTZ #6, 2001 - HERE Arts Center, SoHo, New York

Performed by Natalia de Campos , Felipe de Souza & DJ Big Wiz , in collaboration with Marie Ange Bordas (interactive space design), Maia Moura (make up) & Patricia Faloppa (executive producer) . Produced, translated and adapted from Nelson Rodrigues “Valsa no. 6” by Natalia de Campos.

Platonicov, 2001 - Connelly Theater, East Village, New York, Chekhov Now! Festival

directed and produced by Natalia de Campos , in collaboration with Thiago Szmrecsányi (interactive space design), Lisa Zinni (Costumes), Maia Moura (make up) & Chris Weston (lighting design) . Based on Anton Chekhov’s “Platonov”. With 10 actors, and sound design by DJ Opher Yisraeli

Opus Profundum, 1999 - Ontological-Hysteric Theater, Blue Print Series, St Mark’s Church, East Village, New York

Natalia de Campos (translator/ director) , Dionisio Neto (playwright), DJ Spin , Pedro Moreno, Justine Otondo, in collaboration with Michael Caselli (interactive space design), Ben Kato (lighting design)



